Should I Wet-Test A Hot Tub or Spa?

Try Before You Buy!

When shopping for and comparing hot tubs it’s not only important to consider features and specifications but it’s even more important to actually take it for a test drive and wet test it. You don’t need to test every hot tub you look at either. We would simply recommend narrowing your list to two or three brands or models and then trying them out. We would also suggest wet testing all of the models on the same day so you can better gage the differences or nuances between the models/brands.

hot tub wet testing
Wet Testing a Hot Tub

What is a hot tub wet test?

A hot tub wet test is pretty much what it sounds like. You would simply request that the dealer fill and heat (at least 102 degrees) the hot tub model or a very similar model so that you may take a 10-30 minute soak and try out all of the seats, jets, and features. It’s also helpful to have a sales person help demonstrate the controls so that you are familiar with how everything works. Most people only need about 10-15 minutes in the hot tub to know if they really like it. Furthermore, the fit is just as important as the jets, performance, and features. It’s important that you slide around and sit in all of the different seats to ensure comfort.

At the end of the day a hot tub can be a $3000-10,0000 purchase and something you’ll own for at least 10 years so it’s imperative that you do your diligence upfront and, most importantly, try it before you buy it. For more detailed information on new and used hot tubs then visit our hot tub buyer’s guide pages.

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