Winterizing a Hot Tub or Swim Spa

After nearly two decades in the hot tub industry I’ve heard from many owners failing to winterize a hot tub properly and as a results having potentially thousands of dollars worth repairs done due to freeze damage. I’ve always made a point of telling homeowners to simply turn down their hot tub in the winter months and just leave it running but if you’re someone who has their mind set on winterizing then this is the post for you. Winterizing a hot tub is a crucial step in maintaining its longevity and ensuring that it is ready to use when the weather warms up. As stated above, failure to properly winterize a hot tub can lead to costly damages and repairs. Now let’s discuss the best way to winterize a hot tub and keep it in good condition throughout the colder months.

  1. Drain and Clean the Hot Tub

The first step in winterizing a hot tub is to drain it completely. This will ensure that there is no water left in the system that can freeze and damage the pipes or equipment. Once the hot tub is drained, take the time to thoroughly clean the interior and exterior of the tub. This will prevent any buildup or damage that can occur if debris is left in the system over the winter.

  1. Remove All Accessories

Next, remove all accessories from the hot tub, including the cover, filter, and any other attachments. Clean these items thoroughly and store them in a dry, protected area. If the hot tub cover is damaged or worn, consider replacing it before winter to prevent any potential issues.

  1. Blow Out the Plumbing

After draining the hot tub, use a wet/dry vacuum or air compressor to blow out the plumbing. This will remove any remaining water from the pipes and jets, which can freeze and cause damage if left inside the system. Start by blowing out the main plumbing lines, then move on to the jets and other areas of the hot tub. Also, loosen you’re pump unions and suck out any residual water in the pump impeller. If you have multiple pumps then do this for each one.

  1. Optional – Add Antifreeze

Once the plumbing has been thoroughly blown out, it is time to add antifreeze to the system. Use a product that is specifically designed for hot tubs and follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully. Typically, you will need to add the antifreeze to the jets and other areas of the hot tub to ensure that it is distributed evenly throughout the system.

  1. Cover and Protect the Hot Tub

Finally, cover and protect the hot tub to prevent any damage from the elements. A high-quality hot tub cover can help to keep out snow, ice, and other debris that can accumulate during the winter months. Additionally, consider using a cover lifter to make it easier to remove and replace the cover as needed.

Winterizing a hot tub is a critical step in protecting its longevity and ensuring that it is ready to use when the weather warms up. By following these steps, you can help to prevent any damage from freezing temperatures and keep your hot tub in good condition for years to come.

Also, if you’re uncomfortable or unsure about how to do this then you can always reach out to your local hot tub dealer or service tech and have it done professionally.

For more information visit our hot tub buyer’s guide pages. Also, click on the pink boxes and complete our free local quote form to get competitive prices from local dealers in your area. Or click our “Spa Buyer’s Consult” link above to get one on one expert advice on the best swim spas available in your area.

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