Hot Tub Repair Costs and Estimates

Below is a list of typical service and repair costs for common hot tub problems. Please keep in mind that the price estimates below are only a range and can vary depending on where you live.

  1. Control Pack Replacement – Hot tubs use computer control packs that have a circuit board, processor, sensors, etc. all integrated into one pack. The control pack is the brains of the hot tub and the most essential component of running a hot tub. Although these don’t commonly fail, they are the most expensive, single item to replace.
    Note: Older hot tubs with pneumatic control systems must be retrofitted to a digital system if they fail as parts for these antiquated systems are very difficult to find and are very expensive due to the rarity. There are many retrofit kits available on the market that can be installed on older hot tubs.
  2. Topside Control Panel (Keypad) Replacement – The topside control is a the waterproof digital keypad that is flush mounted to the top rail of the hot tub and is usually located on the side of the access panel for the equipment. The keypad is used to control temperature, turn motors on/off, turn lights on/off, and program filtration cycles. The topside control panel is connected by wires to the control pack referenced in item #1.
  3. Leak Repair – leaks can be one of the most frustrating things to deal with on a hot tub. Leaks can come from a cracked shell (rare), plumbing glue joints, equipment, or from rodents. Plumbing glue joints are the most common and keep in mind that the more jets you have the higher the incidence for leaks. For example, an older, 5 jets hot tub, can have 25-30 glue joints where a newer 50 jets hot tub can have upwards of 300 glue joints. If you do some simple math then you quickly realize that you can increase your likelihood for leaks by ten times simply from going from a 5 jets hot tub to 50 jets hot tub. Keep in mind that higher quality hot tubs typically use barbed plumbing fittings as well as clamps in addition to the glue to seal the joints and prevent leaks. The second most common leak problems come from equipment. Things like heater gaskets, light lenses, or shaft seals on motors are all items that can cause leaks. The third reason behind leaks is rodents. Hot tubs provide a warm environment that can attract pests and in some cases these pests can find their way inside the cabinet of the hot tub and chew thru plumbing lines and wires. When shopping for a used hot tub be sure to ask the seller to remove the panels around the hot tub and inspect for any evidence of rodents (droppings on the base or burrow holes in the foam). Leaks from rodent infestation can be the most expensive as the damage can be severe and random making it difficult to find and repair the leaks. Extensive leak repair may require the hot tub professional to lift the spa on blocks for better access.
  4. Jet Pump (motor) Replacement – Depending on the size and horsepower of the jet pump the cost of replacement can range. The labor is generally minimal as it doesn’t take long to swap a similar size pump.
  5. Heater Replacement – Heating elements or heater assemblies are usually the heating components that get replaced.
  6. Ozone Water Purifier or UV Purifier Replacement– Ozone generators or UV light purifiers typically last a few years before needing to be replaced. They functions only to reduce the chlorine or sanitizer level in the water and are not a requirement for hot tub function. The spa will consume more sanitizer without it.
  7. Circulation Pump Replacement – Some hot tubs feature a dedicated, 24 hour circulation/filtration pump.
  8. Individual Jets Replacement – Jet internals generally snap in and out of the hot tub or sometimes they thread in and out and are very easy to replace. The cost for jets vary between $15-$100 each depending on the size. Jet housings or jet bodies can be more expensive to replace as they require a service professional and can be labor intensive. Jet housing are what the jets snap or screw into.
  9. Cover Replacement – It’s pretty safe to assume that most used hot tubs will require a new hot tub cover. You can easily identify the need to replace the cover by its weight. Hot tub covers are made of a vinyl exterior and Styrofoam core and should be very light and easy to open. A hot tub cover that is extremely heavy and hard to open is waterlogged. Waterlogging can happen about 3-5 years into the life of the cover due to the hot steamy nature of the hot tub. The R-value or insulation value of the cover also diminishes greatly 3-5 years in and the cover needs to be replaced.
    $300-$1000 – Average foam replacement cover is $400-500
  10. Filter Cartridge Replacement – Hot tubs can have between 1-5 filter cartridges. They typically last between 6-18 months depending on bather load and how well they are cared for. Regular weekly or biweekly cleanings make them last longer.
    $30-100 each